Beast Feast – Wild Game Dinner & Fundraiser for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Join us on Friday, December 8, 2023 for the 35th Annual Great Stone Hill Beast Feast! A fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 100% of money raised including ticket sales will be donated to LLS. The night will feature wild game appetizers, dinner, raffles, silent and live auctions!
The Great Stone Hill Beast Feast began as a tribute to Jon Held’s son, James Richard Held, who passed away in 1988 at the age of five after a heroic battle with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). When James was diagnosed, with the five-year survival rate was only 25% and the Held family became committed to helping LLS find a cure for this disease. When Jon’s father was diagnosed with CMML, a rare, chronic leukemia that strikes older adults, the commitment only deepened.
The reception for the event starts with “wild” appetizers and the wild game dinner starting at 7 pm. All game will be contributed by local hunters. Wine will be free with the event, and is provided by Stone Hill Winery.
If you are interested in making an In-Kind Donation or to become a Sponsor, please contact Brittany Eyestone for more details. All contributions are greatly appreciated! beyestone@stonehillwinery.com or call 573.486.2221
You can buy tickets on our website, or call 573-486-2221 and place your order over the phone. Tickets are a minimum donation of $100 per person. (100% of this ticket price goes to LLS)
You may also make checks out to the Stone Hill Winery and mail them to:
Stone Hill Winery
Attn: Brittany Eyestone
1110 Stone Hill Hwy
Hermann, MO. 65041
Thank you so much for your support of our mission to help end blood cancer.